Caculate 3in1

Calculate 3in1 v2.0 is a bundle calculator provided by Jengun for Blackberry® phones, with 3 calculators in one easy to use app: Mortgage calculator (with 4 different compounding period options), car loan calculator (with principal vs. interest percentage breakdown for the first 5 years) and tip calculator. Preferences allow you to change font sizes as desired.

Feature Descriptions


Mortgage Calculator: Calculates monthly payments for your mortgage. 4 different compounding periods are supported (US, Canadian and more). Pie chart results are also available.

  • For US Mortgage Calculations, please select Monthly Compounding
  • For Canadian Mortgage Calculations, please select Semi-Annual Compounding

Car Loan Calculator: Calculates payments for your car loan and looks at principal vs. interest payment percentage breakdown for the first 5 years. This easy to use calculator is very handy when it comes to quick calculations

Tip Calculator: Enter bill amount, tax, number of diners and desired tip percentage. Tax will be calculated from pre-tax bill amount.

Preferences: Preferences allows you to adjust font sizes and currency of the application for the current session.

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